What if fictional characters’ obsessive pursuits of treasure mirrored our own hunt for the Kingdom of Heaven? Join me as we explore Jesus’ parable through a sci-fi lens – discovering whether we would surrender all for Heaven.
In fictional universes, characters will stop at nothing to claim coveted treasures. Their obsessive pursuits often set them on a path that will cost them all that they have and make them walk in a faith they did not know they would. This mirror of intensity is what Jesus’ parable of the treasure in the field or the merchant searching for pearls is trying to express. There are many characters in Sci-Fi that have this intensity of pursuit, but I’ll stick with this list for time's sake. Let us start with the Ferengi, like Quark and Rom, who live by the “Great Material Continuum”-profit above all else. They hunt and pursue their whole life searching for the greatest deal for them. Lando Calrissian, is another, a character who embodies smooth talking savvy, yet his pursuit of wealth led him to risk everything – friendship with Han Solo and rebellion against the Empire – to govern Cloud City’s lucrative mining operations. For the Lord of the Ring fans, Gollum, a tormented soul consumed by obsession, his fixation on “my precious” – the One Ring – drove him to sacrifice relationships, sanity, and ultimately his life in pursuit of reclaiming it. I don’t talk about the superhero universes, but Thanos, a villain driven by twisted ideology, his relentless quest for Infinity Stones led him to wipe out half of all life in the universe, sacrificing love – Gamora – and companionship to balance resources and ensure power. Then again, the Avengers trying to restore what Thanos destroyed. These characters’ extreme measures raise questions: What treasure could possibly warrant such sacrifice – and would we surrender similarly for heavenly riches?
Matthew 13:44-46 – The Ultimate Treasure
Jesus’ parable reveals the Kingdom of Heaven as the ultimate treasure worth surrendering everything.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
This verse shows us that unexpected discovery can spark joy and urgency, leading us to willingly sacrifice everything valuable for the greater treasure. We all have had that spark when we find the extra money in our stash. Now just imagine the spark of joy if you found enough to change your life permanently.
Then if we didn't get the meaning the first time Jesus gives us another example:
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
Pearls were supreme treasure to people at this time. This would be like a vintage, mint-condition comic book (e.g., Action Comics #1). So valuable a collector would sell all his other comic book for this.
Jesus Himself is this treasure – worth surrendering all comforts, securities, and desires. The scripture is not telling you that you must sell all you have to have the Kingdom of Heaven, but if Jesus asked you to surrender all for Him, would you?
Surrendering All for Heavenly Riches
The question remains: would we surrender all for Jesus? The Bible records Jesus’ original followers surrendering everything – Matthew 19:27 says they “left everything and followed Him.” Through fictional backstories in The Chosen series, Peter leaves his fishing business and family’s livelihood behind. Matthew abandons his lucrative tax collecting career, and Simon walks away from Zealot extremism and potential revenge against Romans.
In modern times, people worldwide surrender comforts sometimes even risking everything and their life for Jesus. Some of the modern-day searcher from Mathew 13 would be people like Tim Tebow, former NFL quarterback, left sports for ministry and philanthropy. Entrepreneur Blake Mycoskie closed his online business to focus on TOMS Shoes' nonprofit initiatives and faith-based projects. Artist Lauren Daigle transitioned from secular music to award-winning Christian worship music. Former Muslims also made this ultimate sacrifice, Rifqa Bary, who fled her family and faced death threats for converting to Christianity. Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas founder, who converted and lost family ties. Sabatina James, Pakistani-born author, who faced persecution for choosing Jesus. All stepped out on faith to follow the Kingdom of Haeven's treasure.
Would you join their ranks – surrendering all for heavenly riches and Jesus’ call?
Claiming the Kingdom's Treasure
As we have explored through sci-fi lens and real-life examples, Jesus' parable reveals the Kingdom of Heaven as treasure worth surrendering everything. The question posed throughout this journey would we surrender all for Jesus? remains deeply personal. Only you can answer this about yourself. Remember, countless individuals past and present have stepped out in faith, claiming the Kingdom's treasure as their ultimate riches. Will you join them?
If you wish to start that search:
A - Admit you are a sinner and need Jesus as Savior.
B - Believe Jesus is the Son of God, crucified for your sins, and risen from the dead.
C - Confess Jesus as Lord of your life, surrendering all to follow Him.
Pray with me: "Dear God, I admit I'm a sinner. I believe Jesus is Your Son, my Savior. I confess Him as Lord of my life. Amen."
If you have decided to find the Kingdoms Treasure and have prayed this prayer. Reach out to me at support@fromgalaxiestogenesis.com subject: decision. I would like to help you with your next step.
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